Building code requirements vary from area to area. Check with local authorities for building code requirements in your area. Carefully read all installation instructions prior to installation. Stone is warranted when installed in accordance with installation instructions.
Estimating stone required
Wall area is L x H
Window/Door width x Window/Door height is Window/Door area
Lineal feet of all corners x .75 = area covered by corners
Wall area - window/door area - area covered by corners = square flats required.
Materials required
MORTAR: Premixed - Type N mortar, follow manufacturers recommendation. You can use our premixed ACTION MORTAR which is made specifically for this application, just add water. Mortar can be colored with iron oxide dyes.
WEATHER BARRIER - Dependent on local codes. Barrier must be used on all exterior and interior installations except those over masonry, concrete, or stucco.
FLASHING - Used to maintain weather resistance of exterior wall which stone is applied.
METAL LATHE - A minimum of 2.5 lb. galvanized metal lathe must be used over any surface other than unpainted, unsealed cement or block wall.
FASTENERS - Galvanized nails or staples.
Manufactured stone can be installed on any sound wall surface. Use of weather barrier Then metal lathe, followed by a scratch coat of mortar is required on any surface other than fresh or unpainted, unsealed concrete, or blocks. If installing over cement or blocks, then the stone can be directly applied to the surface by mortaring the back of each stone and applying directly to wall. If unusually dry conditions exist, then lightly dampen the surface or the back of each stone before applying mortar. If installing over a painted or sealed cement surface, then either pressure wash the surface clean of all paint/sealer, or cover with metal lathe. In all exterior applications, keep finished edge of stone a minimum of 4 inches above of earth, and 2 inches above pavement/slab. Cutting of stone can be achieved with a masonry saw, or regular chop saw with a diamond blade.
Use of a whisk broom or dry bristle brush can clean stone surfaces after mortar has completely set up. DO NOT USE a wire brush or wet brush, as these can damage the face of the stone. DO NOT USE ACID OR ACID BASED PRODUCTS, PRESSURE WASHING, SANDBLASTING, or WIRE BRUSH cleaning to clean the surface of the stones.